Amy Stephen

Hacker Grandma


Common Data And Application Extensibility

Molajo is an application I have been writing for a couple of years now with a focus on providing frontend devs total control over Views and the ability to provide data intensive application processing without having to write (very much) PHP code.

Molajo has two primary areas where developers can extend the application. The first is Views, the second is Plugins. (And, of course, any framework-agnostic PHP package like many listed on Packagist.)

In the interest of software interoperability, I have worked very hard to ensure all packages ( Authorisation Cache, Database, Email, Event, Fieldhandler, Filesystem, Http, IoC, Language, Render, Resource, Route, and User are written in a framework-agnostic fashion. Those packages can be used in any PHP application, there is absolutely no Molajo-specific logic.

“Molajo-specific” is isolated to a couple of packages, the Molajo application, itself, which is essentially a collection of Views and Plugins that rest on a common set of controllers and models which guide logic flow defined in the Framework package.

My challenge is, I’d love to also make certain plugins and views are framework-independent and easy to use in different PHP applications without compromising the goal of ease of use for my target frontend developer group. Views are pretty easy to share given common Rendering applications like Mustache and Twig and the Molajo rendering package uses an Adapter approach. So, I am comfortable with interoperability with Views.

Plugins are a little bit more of a challenge. On one hand, you want to make it easy for developers to very quickly tweak the application, but it can result in a silo effect on interoperability.

Additionally, the challenge of application data presents problems for true interoperability. For both Plugins and Views, I have used standard convention, like $this->row, $this->model_registry, and $this->parameters, to build in consistency and make data available, when and where needed. That makes it possible to swap out tokens for smileys, for example, or to retrieve and store data, like comments, in a data object that automatically be available to render the comment view.

The data objects are injected as an array and passed through the Event system to avoid incurring any Molajo-specificness on the Event package. The plugins then act on the data, which is returned to the front controller which updates the IoCC entry, when event processing is complete.

Certain ‘common’ classes are also instantiated using dependency injection approaches and passed through the Event and Render packages for use in translations, image processing, authorisation, file and resource processing, and so on. Those classes all use Interfaces to build in flexibility.

All of that works very well and provides an easy to use environment. But, it also restricts the plugins usability to those specific data objects. It also raises a little uneasiness in me about whether or not this constitutes ‘global data’ or if in using proper dependency injection approaches the issues of global data are avoided.

My questions relate to how best to handle the little bit of the software that is an application’s “special sauce” so that it is easy for developers to be productive without sacrificing interoperability and using poor data approaches?

What are good ways of handling data objects and making the data available throughout the application that provide flexibility for developers to extend the application without requiring them to create classes or have excellent programming skill?

Is it a bad thing or a necessary thing to have extensibility in your application that precludes those objects from ease of use in other applications?

Your ideas and examples are welcome. Thanks!

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